Useful links to other websites:
Useful links to other websites:
Diagnosing rare and ultra-rare conditions like scleroderma and Degos disease can be challenging. Understand these vascular diseases.
Self Help UK provides a searchable database of over 1,000 self help organisations and support groups across the UK that offer support, guidance and advice to patients, carers and their relatives.
An excellent site with links to medical journals published world-wide. There are regular updates on research, and articles available to read online.
Site enabling medical practitioners and others to find reliable translated health information.
NORD (National Organisation for Rare Disorders) has a page on Degos Disease.
A site created for doctors and healthcare professionals.
Rare Disease Alliance UK has UK-based information and support for rare diseases
Orphanet is a database dedicated to information on rare diseases and orphan drugs.
Description of Degos Disease in Dutch.
Counselling Directory is a confidential service in the UK that encourages those in distress to seek help. The directory contains information on many different types of distress, as well as articles, news, and events. To ensure the professionalism of our website, all counsellors have provided us with qualifications and insurance cover or proof of membership with a professional body.