Weird… but True UK
“Well, I can tell you what this isn’t. Go home and bathe in disinfectant.”
First family doctor on first seeing Degos lesions.
“You have no idea how exciting this is for us!!”
Consultant Dermatologist.
“Please get undressed and then we will show you to several hundred specialists. No need to feel nervous. You can have a cup of tea.”
On being displayed at the Royal Society of Medicine, London.
“We have no more conventional treatments to offer you. In any case, anything you may need from now on can be offered locally. Good Luck!”
Specialist in capital city.
“I am warning you: using the internet will bring you nothing of use. Leave it to the doctors. We are the experts.”
First family doctor, on seeing printouts of info on Degos.
“Ciclosporin? That is only ever used for transplant patients. I never heard of such a thing.”
Same family doctor, on hearing that specialist dermatologist had prescribed the drug to suppress my immune system and so (maybe) stop the lesions appearing.
“What do you want me to tell you that I haven’t already said? I won’t repeat myself, because it’s boring. You are on your own.”
Same FP, on being asked if there was anyone to whom I could turn for advice or support.
“Go and ask your important friends up in London. I am just a humble GP with a seaside practice. Look where he has got to (referring to specialist he was at school with) and look where I am.”
Same family doctor.
“Herbal WHAT? I don’t know anything about herbs except – what’s that – er – St John’s Wort, that’s very bad. It’s all witchcraft in any case.”
Specialist dermatologist in London.
“I’d just like Dr X to have a look at you. Amazing, isn’t it, Dr X? Take a good look – you won’t see anything like this again!”
Said ad nauseam by doctors.
“Degos disease? Mmmmm, yes, I see.”
Doctor who has never heard of it.
“Degos disease? Well, tell me all about it – after all, you’re the expert! You know more than any of the doctors!”
Doctor hoping to get out of having to research the disease for himself.
“Oh, and do you have any references, internet sites? Maybe printouts?”