Carlos’ Story

My name is Carlos, and I am a 63-year-old male. 

I was diagnosed with Degos skin lessions in 1985, and in my opinion, have been successfully treated by a caring dermatologist. But it was a rocky ride.

My wife first noticed the lesions mostly on my back. 

My family doctor referred me to a local dermatologist who, after a biopsy, diagnosed it as Degos, and explained that it was a chronic disease leading to death. 

He said that there was nothing he could do and wished me well. 

I went back to my family doctor and told him that there should be something else we could do besides sit and wait. 

He referred me to a Dr. Lynne Roberts at the University of Texas Health Science Center who took a real interest. 

She did biopsies and took pictures, lots of pictures. 

The first course of treatment was to prescribe a blood thinner (can’t remember which), but after nine months, there was no change and more lesions appeared. 

She then took a biopsy of a new lesion and of an older one. 

The new lesion seemed to be inflamed, so she prescribed Plaquenil for the inflammation. It worked. 

Lesions stopped appearing, and I was taken off the medication after about a year.

I have had no new lesions since then and have had other complications. 

I feel healthy and blessed that my Degos disease appears under control. 

Few doctors knew anything about Degos disease at the beginning, and, in my opinion, the first dermatologist that I saw bordered on unethical the way he dismissed me to a low death with no hope for treatment. 

Lately (I get a physical every year) doctors seem to know a little more about Degos disease, and I sense a little more hope when they talk about it. 

Apparently more people have had skin lesions with no other complications.

About ten years after I was treated, my wife noticed lesions on my younger brother during one of his visits. 

Sure enough he was diagnosed with Degos disease and successfully treated with Plaquenil too, except that he had a new lession a few months ago, but no treatment has been prescribed—just careful watching.

Although there is very little experience with Degos disease, I hope the rest of you have results similar to mine. 

It’s been over 15 years since I had my last lesion and so far so good.
